Clinics and Lessons

Clinics and Lessons available either at Stonehaven or your own yard.

Contact me on to organise a clinic or arrange lessons

Private Lessons

Private lessons £45 plus travel costs

Equine Behaviour Consultations £60 for initial consultation, then £45 subsequently

 Video tuition - either live streaming or by pre-recorded video analysis £30 with written review summary and advice.


Clinics for one or two days

  • An Introduction to The Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup - requirements for the training of the Groundwork and Lunging Test

  • An Introduction to The Academic Art of Riding subtleties and nuances of Work in Hand and Hand Work

  • An introduction to The Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup - Seat training and the use of the seat and secondary aids in ridden work

  • An Introduction to Horse Centred use of Positive Reinforcement using Rewards to motivate horses

  • L.I.M.A. Principles applied to all lessons

  • Spoiler Alert: Horse Training is often more about Human Training

Understanding. Breath. Seeing. Softness. Quietness. Straightness. Beauty. Dressage. Feeling. Tensegrity. Touch. Emotions. Requests. Art. Mind. Calmness. Forward. Homeostasis. Body. Respect. Observation. Suppleness. Relaxed. Patience. Theory. Environment. Rhythm. Halt. Lightness. Practice. Language. Valuing. Aids. Responses. Bending. Study. Heart. Collection. Seeking. Empathy. Balance. Science. Intrinsic. Coordination. Care. L.I.M.A. Energy. Creativity. Sympathy. Optimism. Groundwork. Interpretation. Partnership. Elasticity. Spine. Play. Gentleness. Schwung. Feedback. Lunging. Loops. Smoothness. Connection. Love. Cadence. Slow. Pauses. Enthusiasm. Eye. Reward. Learning. Giving. Kindness. Handwork. Flexibility. Relationship. Importance. Basics. Empowerment. Flow. Systems. Tempo. Considerate. Evaluation. Mood.


Feedback from Relaxed Intensive Weekend

‘Two glorious days spent fully immersed in gaining a better understanding of the biomechanics of how a horse moves and how we can help them to rebalance to carry a rider and for a healthier life in general.   Jacquie’s lectures and explanations were clear and well presented and  being able to work with her own horses on the ground gave me valuable hands-on experience of feel and timing.  The facilities at Stonehaven are perfect.   I came away with more knowledge and so better equipped to train my own horse at home.   Think more intensive than relaxed – there’s masses to take in.   The devil is in the detail and this clinic fed my addiction in spades. ‘


“Wonderful atmosphere, and super learning experience that was horse friendly and kind, yet still effective. Thoroughly recommend these weekends.”


“Such an idyllic place, and beautifully set up for a relaxed but intensive learning experience! Thank you for a lovely enjoyable weekend with horses and calm.”


I have hosted between 4 and 6 AAoR clinics every year throughout the summer months at Stonehaven since 2015, with accredited selected Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup trainers, including Ylvie Fros, Kathryn Branderup,, Monika Sanders, Katrin Wallberg,  Christofer Dahlgren, Rebecca Dahlgren and Bettina Biolik and I continue to regularly train with trainers online using blue tooth headphones and a live video link.

Online tuition is useful for R+ Trainers who are abroad too of course, with Peggy Hogan and Shawna Karrasch being my favourite trainers to help me answer my Positive Reinforcement training queries.

I believe that maintaining ongoing learning opportunities is vital to prevent stagnation.