How Can AAoR help me with my horse?

How can AAoR help me with my horse?


A lot of the AAoR images online look like amazing horses. Of course, all horses are amazing and have their own strengths and weaknesses, but it must be said that many of the horses in AAoR training have only found this training as a last chance because all other approaches have failed them.

Hundreds of “ordinary“ horses have found out how to become extraordinary with a little help from the carefully tailored training which is mindful of both their horses minds and their bodies.

To make an exercise which does not address the body in a constructive way renders the exercise worse than useless and may even become harmful and detrimental to the horse.

To make an exercise which does not address the emotional state of the horse is also worse than useless and will also be very harmful to the horse.

Mental damage is usually harder to resolve compared to physical damage.

To train without consideration to the horses’ emotional state is to risk reducing the horse to a robotic servant at best and this will be destructive in many ways.

AAoR training will help you to raise up the horse, and will never break the horse down mentally or physically.



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